oxygen gas station-cryogenic liquid gas to cylingder filling


Gas cylinder filling stations - use of cryogenic liquid storage tank gas as gas resource

The effect of the gas cylinder filling stations is the high pressure gas charged into the cylinder and then transported to the user.

Bottle filling process is as follows:

1 liquid oxygen liquid and liquid carbon dioxide pressure increase;

2 pass into the vaporization device for liquid gas it into gaseous,

3 oxygen nitrogen argon and carbon dioxide through bus-barwire charged into the cylinder.

4 cylinder to the customer

The liquid gas as gas source to the composition characteristics of is:

►The small investment

►The construction period is short

►The convenient control

►open and stop convenient - suitable for discontinuous working environment

The composition of bottle filling station

The cryogenic liquid storage tank --liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, liquid argon, liquid carbon dioxide

The high pressure liquid pump -- liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, liquid argon, liquid carbon dioxide

The vaporizer -- liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, liquid argon, liquid carbon dioxide

►The bus-barwire - liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, liquid argon, liquid carbon dioxide

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